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  • 2022年8月掲載 Construction Business Review 誌 インタビュー記事全文和訳公開(後編)

2022年8月掲載 Construction Business Review 誌 インタビュー記事全文和訳公開(後編)

2022年8月、Construction Business Review 誌より受けました

2022年 APACトップ 新興建設解体 兼 リサイクル企業

2022年8月掲載 Construction Business Review 誌 インタビュー記事全文和訳公開(前編)

※【Construction Business Review】は、印刷物とデジタル雑誌、ウェブサイト、ニュースレターを通じて、業界ニュース、実際の知識、ベストマネジメントプラクティス、およびベンダーによる建築慣行、ソリューション、サービスの進歩を提供し、建設ビジネスの課題解決を支援しています。フロリダ州フォートローダーデールから発行されており、全米、ヨーロッパ、APAC諸国にいる編集者と共に、業界関係者の寄稿をもとに情報発信を行っております。

A True Testament of Customer-centricity

Owing to such customer-centric service offerings, numerous industry behemoths have entrusted AT Facility Lab with their C&D operations, speaking highly of its proactive approach towards mitigating their challenges and empowering them to reduce their project expenses. Part of that audience is a world-renowned company that partnered with AT Facility Lab to reduce its demolition costs.

For a long time, the client had acquired C&D expenditure estimates from general contractors and could not efficiently examine the contracts, negotiate prices, and reduce expenses. For one such contract, the general contractor’s estimate of a demolition project neared two billion yen. Realizing that the project needed the guidance of an industry expert to minimize exorbitant costs, the company decided to partner with AT Facility Lab, which thoroughly examined the deal, calculated the appropriate cost, and concluded it could easily be reduced by 25-per cent. AT Facility Lab was also able to identify valuable assets that, in the past, were usually disposed of. The client was now able to monetize them. Observing the multifarious benefits rendered by AT Facility Lab, the client now makes a comprehensive contract with the company as its primary consultant for all demolition and disposal activities.
On numerous occasions, AT Facility Lab has dramatically reduced a client’s project costs by 40-per cent, highlighting the company’s proficiency in demolition consultation. These instances are solid proof of AT Facility Lab’s ability to substantially reduce project expenditure, showcasing why global companies such as FUJIFILM Co., Panasonic Homes Co., Bridgestone Co., and Hitachi Ltd., time and again seek consultation from AT Facility Lab.
AT Facility Lab empowers businesses to save the lion’s share of their demolition costs by recycling and reselling valuable assets. The most noteworthy aspect of the company’s value proposition is its dedication to ensuring environmental sustainability and contributing to global goals on all accounts.
AT Facility Lab abides by the principles of the SGDs and ensures that its clients resell, reuse, or recycle high-market value assets before their office buildings or facilities are demolished or renovated. The company actively contributes to SDG 9, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, by guiding its clients to redevelop their infrastructures sustainably and recycle their scraps.
“The utilization of recycled materials is quintessential to ensuring responsible production and sustainable urban management, and our operations enable companies to execute that, immensely contributing to SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production,” states Miyamoto. By enabling businesses to pivot their C&D material to recyclers or resellers, AT Facility Lab fundamentally empowers them to become environmentally responsible and fulfill their duties toward global goals.



このように、アット・ファシリティラボは解体工事に関するコンサルティングを行うことで、お客様の事業コストを40%削減することに成功しています。富士フイルム、パナソニック ホームズ、ブリヂストン、日立製作所などのグローバル企業が、何度もアット・ファシリティラボのコンサルティングを受けているのは、このような実績があるからなのです。
「リサイクル素材の活用は、責任ある生産と持続可能な都市運営に不可欠であり、私たちの事業はそれを可能にし、SDG12「つくる責任 つかう責任」に大きく貢献します」と宮本は述べています。アット・ファシリティラボは、企業が廃棄物をリサイクル業者や再販業者に引き渡すことで、環境に対する責任を果たし、地球規模の目標に向けた義務を果たすことを根本的に支援します。

Onkochishin–The Cornerstone of Operations

Hand-in-hand with its environmental sustainability goals, AT Facility Lab firmly upholds the philosophy of “Onkochishin.”
The ancient Japanese proverb translates to “learning from the past.” AT Facility Lab’s strength lies in its ability to effectively use its accumulated know-how from previous client engagements across various industries, without being bound by conventional frameworks. The company successfully addresses the challenges of its current clients. The company routinely conducts an in-depth analysis of each of its engagements, strengthening its expertise in C&D consulting and eliminating any shortcomings. The company aims to increase its brand awareness, transparency, and credibility in the industry by participating in exhibitions, encouraging referrals from clients, and steadily growing its sales.

With a track record of zero illegal dumping and construction accidents, AT Facility Lab is poised to execute the paradigm shift required to transform APAC’s C&D firmament and foster reliability, safety, compliance, and above all, environmental sustainability.



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